DermaDoc Skin Specialists is the product line of the Dermadoc Medical Center. The company’s origins trace back to when a young Dr. James Sombrio struggled with severe acne. Inspired by his dermatologist, he pursued a career in dermatology. Fast forward 30 years, his daughter, Dr. Justine Sombrio, founded DermaDoc Skin Specialists. Initially training as a dermatologist, Dr. Justine later focused on making high-quality skin care products more affordable and accessible. She is joined by her sisters, who are equally dedicated to turning this vision into reality.
We bring expert care in skincare by making research-based formulations accessible and affordable.
Say goodbye to buying expensive skin care products not within your area!
You deserve the best skin without the worry of having to line up in overly busy stores and breaking your wallet. Our products are carefully formulated to bring out your natural beauty while making it within your reach and budget by making it available online.
'Is This Just Another Cash Grab?'
Well, we have doctors ready to offer expert advice.
Connect with us through our online clinic via Serious MD for personalized support.
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